Bird Info

Altamira Oriole /bolsero de Altamira (Icturus gularis)

Voice: Call is a hoarsely repeated “ike-ike-ike.…..” Commonly heard song is a whistled “too-too-too-too-too-too-deow-TOOP-too-too-too-too-too-too-deeeow.” The first six syllables are on same pitch, the 7th syllable (“deow”) is lower, the 8th syllable (TOOP) is highest pitch, and the last syllable (“deeeow”) is drawn out and descending.
Altamira Oriole
Status: Uncommon resident in woodlands throughout the Valley. May visit local hummingbird feeders.

Habitat: Riparian woodlands of the Rio Grande corridor and forested tracts.

Best Spots: Probably the easiest way to see Altamira Orioles is to visit the feeding stations of the inner loop at Bentsen SP. Also seen at Santa Ana NWR, and riparian corridor of the Rio Grande at places like Salineño and Chapeño.

Similar Species: Altamira Oriole is the largest of our North American Orioles. Its orange and black plumage is similar to that of Hooded Oriole (summer resident), but there are notable differences: Unlike Hooded Oriole, Altamira Oriole is much larger, has much less black color around the eye and throat, and different wing markings (including orange epaulet).

speaker icon A speaker symbol next to the bird indicates that it has a sound file available.
All Bird call recordings © John C. Arvin.
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Birds News
A Birder's Eye View of the Seasons in the Lower Rio Grande Valley  

Welcome to a birder’s eye view of the seasons in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Enjoy our annual cycle! The resulting avifauna in deep South Texas is the most diverse north of the Mexican border. The four county area that makes up the lower Rio Grande Valley has recorded over 500 species of birds. This is more species of birds than have been recorded in all but two or three entire states. Small wonder that birders from across the continent make pilgrimages to the region. Happy Birding!

Birds Check List
What is a checklist?  

A "Bird Checklist" is a complete list of birds that have been seen or heard in a specific region like Texas or the Rio Grande Valley. Checklists can be used as a personal diary of your travels.

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